Monday, January 30, 2017

Embodied Commitment to Honor

Sara shares:  I have been getting lots of nudges about body awareness and care lately.  In this cycle of "Honor Truth", my focus for the waxing moon will be honoring the truth of my body.

In the story of Wisdom Keeper, the Clan Mother for this month, we are prompted to look at our histories.  Much of my history is written in my body; the genetic history that contributes to my physical limitations and abilities, my personal physical history of adventures and injuries, my emotional history held in bodily tensions and evidence of not making self-care a priority.  I Honor the truth of my physical reality.  I am not judging, but I am looking with clarity.  I am not even asking to understand, just to be with what is. To truly honor something is to connect to its existence through my existence--body, mind and soul.

For the next 2 weeks, I make an embodied commitment.  I declare "I AM a commitment to awareness and care of my body".  I implement the following daily practice to anchor this commitment into my life: Once during each 2 hour period of my work day, I will choose one of the following; 1)go outside and be active 2) yoga or chiropractic exercises 3) mindful eating.  I'll check back in after the full moon to share what comes up!

Self-Reflection: What is my focus for Honoring Truth during this waxing moon?

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