Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Hard Action of Honoring Truth

Carolyn shares: I am not good at being sick. I seem to be sick at the most inopportune times.  I have been sick for five days.  My usual first thought is that I am sabotaging myself.  Five days is a good long time to sit with this a belief that I would rather be sick than continue with my actions toward living as my real and full self.  Sara's daily inspiration share of yesterday touched a tender place.  Can I just receive the truth of what is: my body is suffering? What if I could just honor that? No interpretation, just honor what is. I have watched myself fight staying in this awareness.  I prefer my own judgments. Yet the gift of this moon cycle-honor the truth of what is, as Sara wrote,  brings the gift of shifting perceptions.  I am asking Creator for clarity, what is being asked of me during this bout of illness?  I hear, "rest, sleep, trust".

Self Reflection:  What perceptions am I asked to shift that I may Truly honor my life, my relationships, my work, My world?


  1. I have heard you assert before that, for you, illness is a sign of self-sabotaging. You are stepping into deep and nuanced waters, Carolyn. May you emerge healed with a better understanding of yourSelf. Much love.

    1. Thanks Karen; You remind me that sometimes illness is a sacred journey leading to transformation. As Winnie the Pooh says, "Oh Bother!". I am grateful.
