Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Feelings Are Real, But They Might Not be Reality

A woman of wise counsel tells Carolyn; "Remember that feelings are real; but they may not be reality."
Our feelings are real.  They frequently determine our decisions- both our action and our inaction.

In discerning, we honor that the feelings we have are the feelings we have. We can't say --"I'm not going to have XYZ feelings" and expect that 'poof', our feelings just won't be there.  To live with this expectation would be living in denial, or self-delusion, or living in a lie.

When our feelings won't leave us alone, we can be pretty sure these feelings are out of alignment with Truth.  Whether these feelings are of shame or feelings of superiority, it is likely these feelings are not based in reality.

How do we begin to weigh the truth of our feelings? Begin with awareness of feeling, and (over time) we begin to be able to 'sniff out' what is true and is is misguided. Our feelings will come in alignment with that Truth.

Self-Reflection: Begin with, be with this awareness.  Refrain from self-judgment. That is all I need do for now.

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