Sunday, March 5, 2017

Oh to Discern like Cats and Dogs

We all have strengths. We all have weaknesses.  The questions which are asked of us for wiser knowing and more sweeping awareness are these:
How do we know that what we claim as our strengths are really strengths?
How do we know that what we shame ourselves for as weakness really is weakness?
How do we know?
Do we sit and gather evidence to prove OUR perspective right?
Do we compare and contrast ourselves with others?

Let us ask for the kind of discernment that our animal friends have with their discerning sense of smell.  Science tell us the cats and dogs have at least 75 million (cats) to 295 million (dogs) more smell receptors than us humans.   Ah that we could have that kind of discernment about the Truth of who we are.

Self Reflection:  I ask Creator for guidance to develop discernment--for wiser 'knowing' and expansive 'awareness'.

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