Sunday, April 9, 2017

Heeding the Call to See the Light

As the waxing moon of April moves toward fullness, Sara’sPoem, from yesterday’s Daily Inspiration speaks to our own movement of stepping into our own fullness.  Using the gift if this cycle, to See Truth, we are given all we need to step out of fear and into Self. 

An immensely bright light beckons to us, calling us toward a thin line of  inky blackness, the crack in the cosmic egg of our Being.  This immense light is the passionate fire ever bursting forth from the heart of Creation.  We have this passionate fire in our own hearts as well. Our willingness to grow, our efforts and our actions to know more, feel more, hear more and see more bring us to the time when we notice this light and are drawn toward it. 

We have ‘seen the light’ and we can no longer close our eyes against it. A tiny crack has opened in the mask of who we believed ourselves to be, a thin line of inky blackness. It opens us to the truth of who we are in our Fullness.  Even if we turn away and try to go back to our old ways of being, we can never be the same. This light of Illumination has merged with the flame in our own human heart.  It will not let us forget.  Our experiences in our life will always call us to remember and return.

Self Reflection: Can I receive the gifts that come with a willingness to see the light in my own heart.

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