Saturday, May 6, 2017

Coming to Trust One's Soul and Inner Voice

Carolyn shares:  My soul and my inner voice are in conversation.
I listen, as if an outsider, trying to pick up on the gist of the conversation, 
without them knowing I am eavesdropping.
I can tell they are talking about me and I don't want them to stop.
I sense that if I listen carefully there is something I might come to know,
Something vital or critical that would help me on my path.

I do learn something:
Soul doesn't quite trust inner voice--too many years of outside influence make it difficult to know what's truth and what's distortion.
Inner voice thinks soul speaks in code and feels frustrated--she might fail to make the 'right' interpretation.
Soul doesn't feel safe in making her needs known--she speaks in guarded, yet imploring whispers-"let me grow! Let me grow!"

Inner Voice, ever more claiming her own essence can hear soul's call.  
Over time she has sorted out her truth from fears 
and the external directives of what she should think and say. 
She answers as best as she is currently able.
She asks her soul for clarification, more information, deeper connection.

Self Reflection: Over time I will come to know I can trust  my soul and my inner voice.

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