Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Tenor and Emotions of Our Words Reflects Truth

Carolyn shares: The tenor and intention of words impacts how we feel and how we understand what is shared in the spoken word.

Last night I (unfortunately) watched an accusatory, aggressive, look-good-at-all-costs, shade the truth, debate between two men discussing the political scene of the United States. My reaction is palpable in my body. If I could crawl out of my skin, I would. The residue of the feeling hangs out with me. Attempting to shift my feelings, I sit and reflect on a recent time I sat in a circle of 20 women sharing parenting imperfections, talking about the importance of transparency with one another and our children, and honoring the differences between us.  What a contrast! Okay-maybe the future of the country was not on the line during the women's gathering, as it seemed to be last night 'debate'. But... maybe one of us at this gathering has birthed a future leader and that would mean good things for our country, given the transparency and forthrightness of the group.

I listen to an angry debate and go to bed exhausted and discouraged. How this experience contrasted with hearing Jennifer Grant speak her truth on imperfect parenting: inspiring and hopeful. Jennifer is an author, speaker and a member of our Episcopal Community.  Check out her book: Momumental

Self Reflection:  I will notice the tenor and intention of the words I speak.  I will be  aware of their impact.

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