Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Trust in Your Choices and Your Dreams

Trust in your choices and your dreams.
Can I trust my choices? 
How often I second guess my decisions!
I second guess myself even when I'm going for something I have dreamed of, longed for, worked for.

By the process of exploring and experiencing each cycle what is Truth in my life as it is laid out in the Cycles of Truth, I have come to know more what is trustworthy in my body's reaction to things.  I have come to recognize when my thinking and emotions are truthful and in integrity, and when I am out of alignment with my Truth. This has been a slow process, and my awareness of changes I have made, are more an after the fact  'aha', than pre-choice awareness.

This past week I made a choice to spend a good chunk of money on something which has the potential to support the dream I have for my work and life.  After I made my decision, I waited for buyer's remorse to set in.  It didn't.  I didn't wake up in the middle of the night with an "oh s--t, what have I done".  I didn't wake up the next morning with my stomach in knots.   48 hours later, I still had a subtle hum of excitement, aware of the work ahead and was looking forward to beginning.  No regrets, no second-guessing.  A year later, opportunity 'successfully' completed. The big ah-ha for me was the outcome was not what I had envisioned.  Rather than going where I thought I wanted to end up, I found what I was going for was not the direction I was being turned toward. 

So, what is different now?  What has changed in me? I realized that in the past my choices and decisions have usually been from my need to be safe and create security in my world.  Of course, this frequently didn't work out the way I planned...hence always the 'buyer's remorse' response.  This time I made a decision from the space of giving myself and my work what is needed to flourish and grow.  I am flourishing and growing, and parts of myself that no longer serve me or others are falling way. I have less resistance. I have more willingness to say 'yes' without needing to know the outcome.  I also have found more willingness to say 'no' without fear of missing out. This space feels SO different!  I am coming to trust my choices and trust (and honor) my dreams. I am also as ease with my dreams being fluid and changing, growing. 

Self Reflection:   Am I willing to seek the support and guidance I need to make choices and go for my dreams with 'no regrets'?

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