Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Bigger Picture of Stepping Back

The inner nudge to step back might come when we are in the midst of struggling to see things clearly, to know what to do next.
An artist will step back to get a clearer picture of his/her work.  In a sense to see, to have a truer vision of whether their creation is how they 'imaged' it when the impulse to create their art came to them.  This is true whether the 'artist' is a painter, gardner, carpenter, designer, chef, other words, the innate creative part of each of us intuitively steps back to take in what we are creating out in the world. We step back to see if what we are sharing in the world is true to our inner knowing or vision.

Self-reflection:  The truth I share in the world is reflected back to me. When I step back to see the 'bigger picture' of what I am sharing, what Shared Truth do I see?

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