Thursday, July 16, 2015

Waxing Moon: Our Vision is NOW; Not Some Time in the Distant Future

All the work and effort for this month will bring together these three 'parts' of ourselves: the person Great Mystery created us to be for this lifetime; the person we sense we are, in those brief, fleeting moments where we ARE fully present; and the person we dare dream we could be-if/when...

We are already who and what we were created to be.  Because our sense of self is not in alignment with our 'Divine Template' it only means that we must learn how to bring our vision back from the distance of 'someday' to the present moment.  

We already are the person we sense we are called to be.  We CAN and WILL learn to experience ourselves as this person! How?
We start by paying attention to the reaction of our senses in our daily lives.  We notice our preferences, likes, dislikes, prejudices, beliefs.  No judging, just notice.  No judging, just notice.

As we move through the days of becoming, filling and receiving which are represented by the waxing moon, we notice how our senses fill us, and with what.

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