The moon circle journal brings an ancient system of healing and caring for self, others and the earth to the peoples of the modern era. It is a way for individuals to do their part to bring balance and peace into their life, and learn a natural way to share this balance and peace out in the world.
The journal offers month to month (moon cycle to moon cycle) teachings and practices. In the ancient lineage of tribal cultures across the world these teachings are considered as ‘Gifts of Truth’ and are held as essential qualities each person must develop within themselves to become wholly human.
The elders tell us that every human embarks on this journey toward maturity. The choice is whether the journeyer is asleep or awake. Working with this journal process will help the user WAKE-UP to their potential and learn how to embody and live the qualities of character that support their life.
The Moon Circle Journal Project is ready to launch for the 2016 Cycle beginning with the first new moon of the year on January 9, 2016. Sara and I, along with a few other long time participants of our virtual moon cycle circle group began to talk about ways to support one another. As we had worked with the moon cycles and shared during our monthly calls we realized we were just scratching the surface of the wisdom contained within this ancient, cross-cultural lineage. How could we bring this wisdom up to date and relevant to our present day experiences and cultures?
Membership in the Moon Circle Journal includes:
· *12 months (13 cycles) of calendar and journal pages, (approximately
196 pages in an 11X 8 ½” circa-bound journal)
*Two recorded 30-minute teachings for each new and full moon
(24 recordings)
* Invitation to participate in a private group sharing
teleconferences at 7PMCST on the night of each new and full moon
(24 group sharing sessions)
*Membership in the
Private MoonCycleCircle Face Book page
*Access to Daily Meditation Posts on the MoonCycleCircle Blog
*Bonus ‘Become Your
Vision’ packet at the completion of your 12 cycles.
* Electronic
copy of journal pages
The 12 month membership in the Moon Circle Journal Project is $159
(Membership may begin any time during the year)
(Membership may begin any time during the year)
The Moon Circle Journal can also be purchased as a stand-alone product for $49
***Until our paypal button is ready to accept orders, please contact Carolyn for membership and purchase details.
Alpha test members who have completed the survey will receive $10 off on their purchase. Carolyn can be emailed at
***Until our paypal button is ready to accept orders, please contact Carolyn for membership and purchase details.
Alpha test members who have completed the survey will receive $10 off on their purchase. Carolyn can be emailed at
The 2016 Moon CIrcle Journal |
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