Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Everything We Encounter Comes Through Touch

All our experiences, everything that comes to us through our senses, touches us.  Everything we learn in life comes to us through some form of touch.  We can taste the sweetness of a peach by the juices connecting with our taste buds.  We smell skunk because the acrid odor travels through the air touching our nasal passages as we breathe in and out. We hear the birdsong through sound-waves bouncing against our eardrums.  We have spent these two weeks of the waxing moon phase learning how touch is a primary informer for how we understand our life.
With the invitation to adopt (or be adopted by) a stone people companion, we receive a gift from Earth Mother’s first children, the stone people to practice staying conscious to being touched by the world outside of us, and to stay in connection with All Our Relations (all things).  In this way, we are learning to ‘talk’ with and to listen to what all manner of life can teach us about living our own life.

Self-Reflection:  In what ways have I been touched by the world around me in these past few weeks?  What learning of truth have I resisted receiving?  What learning of truth have a welcomed with an appreciative heart?

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