Monday, January 15, 2018

Become Your Vision Through Living the Cycles of Truth

Much of what we learn of the Truth of who we truly are comes through our relationships with others and our experiences in the world.  Some of what we take in as Truth is false evidence appearing real. Some of what we take as true is future events already ruined. This is the misunderstanding of the instinct of fear.   In the natural world, the instinct of fear is Creator's gift that tells all Creator's creatures to pay attention to what is coming.  That's it.  Just pay attention.  When we learn to pay attention to what is, then we can begin to discern with our all our physical senses; Truth from illusion as it is revealed in our relationships and our experiences. 

Self Reflection: As we sit in the darkness of the closing moon for the 13th Moon Cycle of Be Truth, we are preparing for January's moon cycle, and the gifts of Learn Truth.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Watching for How We Block Ourselves From Becoming Our VIsion

Carolyn shares:  This morning I woke up and immediately bumped into the 'me' I dread most. I recognize this 'me' quite readily these days.  When I wake up to my alarm and start a conversation about whether or not I should sleep longer, that tells me right away the dreaded 'me' is tussling to take charge.  Three snooze buttons later I got up, came downstairs and immediately picked up the latest copy of a magazine called 'Live Happy'.  I did not feel 'happy'.  Instead, what I saw was all the authors-leader, mentors, actresses, counselors sharing their work in this lovely magazine, doing what I felt I wasn't or couldn't do.  This was an open door for negation and shut-down of the 'me' that would be visible in my vision. Just when I was starting to feel my next step into Love and Truth about to happen, I get a flash mob of all my old stuff (a flash mob all dressed in black, by the way) which blocks out the Truths which are already a part of me.  My vision for my Vision is blocked. This feels terrible to me in all ways: in my body, my thinking, how I feel, and in my connection to my spirit.  In the past, this could take me down for days, weeks, months, often using physical illness as the final blow to 'becoming Me'.

It is so easy to let this sentinel who blares her neon sign-"That's not you!" be the truth-speaker. But...She's not.  My best defense against giving her charge of my life is in the daily work I do to keep my chord of connection plugged into Creative Source, Great Mystery Great Spirit, or G.O.D. (Good ,Orderly Direction).  This is certainly what walking and resting in the path of the Moon Cycle work helps me do.

Self Reflection:  I am present to myself during these busy days of the waning moon. I AM able to discern the blessed Truth of my Self and the Truth of the emerging vision for me life.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Come toward the Close of the Waning Moon with Love and Grace

We have been given four weeks of time for rest and reflection.
In this year, what are the themes this cycle of reflection has revealed to me?

Acknowledging and honoring this/these theme(s), I notice my response, my reaction.
Have I been loving to myself? Indulgent? Judgmental?  Shaming? Encouraging? Inspiring? 

Self Reflection: How have I loved myself?  How shall I love myself better?