Monday, March 27, 2017

Being with the Darkness of New Moon as a Path for Transformation

It is the time of the new moon.
Sometimes I forget the depth of darkness that arrives with the new moon.

Are there parts of my life where I am trying to push away darkness?
I push it away instead of living with it as a teacher and bringer of transformation?
This does not mean I partner or collude with darkness.
I just am with it, waiting to know what knowledge it brings to me.
What is it teaching me?
How might I be transformed by just being with it, to see what it tells me.
It is interesting that, given time, my eyes adjust to the darkness.
I can see, where only moments before I was blinded by the dark.
I can trust in the knowing to come.
I can trust what comes when I stay with the dark until my eyes can see.
This adjustment comes more quickly when I remember I can see through the eyes of my heart.
I remember the light comes.
The light comes, in Her own time.
I will see the Light.

Self Reflection:  How might the darkness of this new moon be an opening for me to see my life with new knowing-a knowing founded in trust.

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