March is the first of the three cycles for the season of spring. Now new growth will
start for all living things-including us. In this cycle we are called to look at truth
from many different aspects. This insures our growth is balanced and in proportion.
Balanced growth requires the development of the attribute of discernment rather
than the use of judgment in relationship to all aspects of our life-the care of our Self, our relationships, our life as creative beings, and the whole of our earthly home.
color for the season of Spring is
yellow, and reflects the third chakra, relating to the solar plexus, sense of
self, and self-esteem. Brown is the color associated with March's Moon Cycle and the Truth Cycle to Know and Accept Truth. Brown is the color of the earth and reminds us of our necessary connection to Mother Earth. The yellow of the sun and the brown of the earth also symbolize the abundant fertility of creation. We are a vital part of this creative process.
In The Celtic Way of Seeing, Meditations on the Irish
Spirit Wheel (see Resources), Frank MacEowan writes about how this cycle of the
east, in the springtime, relates to everything to do with ‘Home’-how our home
reflects our sense of self, how we care for our home, how home is a place for
our own resting and safe-keeping as well as for welcoming others into our life
with more openness and intimacy. In the larger sense, the concept of ‘home’
also refers to Mother Earth, our planetary home.
Self Reflection: This moon cycle I embrace my homes; the home of my own being, the home where I live, and the home of us all, this planet earth.
Self Reflection: This moon cycle I embrace my homes; the home of my own being, the home where I live, and the home of us all, this planet earth.
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