To Share Truth means opening our minds, hearts and actions to a direction other than our usual way of doing things. Last month our reflection about letting go related to the things we hold fast to: stuff, relationships, beliefs, habits/addictions. Now, our letting go is at a deeper level. We consciously let go of attachment to our way of thinking and doing, adopting instead the intention to interact with our world from what we might call Divine Direction or Sacred Inspiration.
Here are two practices which can help us become willing, able and ready to let go of what keeps us from creating our dreams:
The first practice I call the 'god-box' practice. Write what it is you wish to release on a small piece of paper, fold it up so that the writing is folded inward. An example: "I ask for guidance and direction to let go of ___________________. "
If you have a personal altar you can place this request on your altar. I have a 'god-box' on my altar and use that to hold my requests and intentions. If you don't have an altar, to choose a small, special container to hold your requests and place it where you will see it regularly. There is nothing more you need do, except to keep your ears, your eyes and your heart alert for the guidance and direction you will begin to see as you move through your days.
This is not to say your letting go will be instantaneous or easy, though sometimes it is. Often, our guidance comes in unexpected ways-someone shows up in our life who is able to guide us through an arduous letting go process. Sometimes letting go comes in stages, by bits and pieces. Sometimes, we find letting go just happens. Awareness and asking are the key ingredients to letting go over time. Letting go is an intentional request. The willingness is ours to choose, the timing of when it actually happens, however, is not in our control.
The second practice for when you are not sure if you are yet willing or able to let go:
Write a prayer for the willingness to pray for the willingness to let go. An example: "Creator, I pray for the willingness to become willing to ask for guidance and direction and inspiration to let go ________________.
Self Reflection: I read this prayer everyday, upon waking and before sleep. Soon I find myself writing my request for guidance and direction. Now, I am ready for the gifts of the 'god box'.
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