with the understanding the Cycles of Truth are Gifts we receive to support us
in becoming the fullness of who we were created to be in this life. Cycles: meaning to come around again and again, to have a regular rhythm and flow, a completion of a series.
Cycles have specific patterns and effects; familiar, yet each time we experience them, they bring something new. Sometime the gift is wonderful, joyful, expansive. Sometimes, until we have fully received the gift, we may feel it as a burden, or even a punishment.
To consciously receive the benefit of the Gifts of Truth we must give space and time for the fullness and depth of the gifts of Truth as they continue to come into our lives. When confusion comes with the gift, as it often does, know that con-fusion is a sign that our old understandings are giving way to new and fuller knowing. Eventually, this new and fuller knowing will give way to even fuller knowing, and the cycle will keep continuing.
Cycles have specific patterns and effects; familiar, yet each time we experience them, they bring something new. Sometime the gift is wonderful, joyful, expansive. Sometimes, until we have fully received the gift, we may feel it as a burden, or even a punishment.
To consciously receive the benefit of the Gifts of Truth we must give space and time for the fullness and depth of the gifts of Truth as they continue to come into our lives. When confusion comes with the gift, as it often does, know that con-fusion is a sign that our old understandings are giving way to new and fuller knowing. Eventually, this new and fuller knowing will give way to even fuller knowing, and the cycle will keep continuing.
Prayer: May I become
a graceful receiver of all Your gifts of Truth.