In the gift of June's moon cycle is an invitation to be willing to of speaking the truth we become aware of how our words (the quality of our voice, the energy with which we speak-or write) impact the lives of others, the world around us, and our own growth and prosperity.
One way of thinking of how to Speak Truth is in the embodiment of the archetype of the Storyteller. Thinking of Speaking Truth in this way gives a certain spin on the teaching for the month. Whether or not we see ourselves as a 'storyteller', the very act of living our lives and having contact with others, makes us a sharer of stories-either through others observation of us as we live our lives, or through our intentional sharing of our thoughts in words or actions.
There are also other archetypal images connected with Speaking Truth-which you might resonate with more than storyteller: the archetypes of teacher, orator, preacher, writer, singer, Any archetype which uses voice or words to assert herself in the world (or to participate in the world) can claim an identification with the gift/skill of speaking truth.
This cycle is an invitation to identify our own 'voice', and connecting with an archetypal image is a good way to do that. Explore how we are speaking the truth to ourselves—or not. We can become open to sharing truth, as we understand it, with others.
Self Reflection: NEW MOON EXERCISE FOR Speak the Truth. As a new moon exercise for this cycle: go out in the darkness of the new moon night—and continue this practice as the waxing moon shows her color and light—speak out to the moon. Hear yourself speak. Better yet, center yourself, clear your being so that you become a hollow reed open to the song of Great Mystery, Great Spirit, and hear what words come through you, from you. Words coming from the depth of your heart, from the depth of your soul, from the depth of your longings. Words, too, that come in the silence with a willingness to hear what is offered as well. Always with gratefulness.
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