As we move through the last few days of the waning moon phase, the offering of this Truth Cycle becomes clearer--if we are able to tune in. This month the truth cycle offers up Hearing Truth and we have been offered, instructed and had daily experiences with listening, hearing and being heard. We are learning to listen with the ear of our heart. For us, who read these daily inspirations and live with the Cycles of Truth as a guiding force, listening, hearing and being heard may have taken on a different meaning than when we started out the month,
Perhaps we have come to experience the deep, still, dark space within us that is void of all our preconceived beliefs, ideas and fears, as a source for deeper knowing and intuition. If so, we are having the experience of returning to the original way of hearing--the ancient ones' way of non-verbal communication-this is the ultimate gift of Hear Truth. As beings of Creation we inherit this divine gift: the ability to hear without a spoken word. We have merely forgotten how to hear in this nonverbal, vibrational way. We can learn to remember (re-member/to come together again). It is our birthright.
Self Reflection: What am I re-membering? As I listen with the ear of my heart, I come together again as is my birthright.
This is a blog of one minute (or less) inspirations based in rhythm with the cycles of the moon. Written for any person interested in living their lives more in Truth. It's also a blog for those who wish to use the moon cycles as a pathway to connect with their own spiritual life, and with all of creation. This blog shares the wisdom and experience of it's author(s) which we have found helpful to us in embodying the fullness of our own lives.
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