I first heard this prayer from Lee Nitsch, the daughter-in -law of Twylah Nitsch the Seneca Elder who brought the wisdom of the Truth Cycles out into the world. This is the way I pray it as part of my morning prayer and contemplation practice. I have attached a recording of the prayer as well: Morning Gratitude Prayer
I say good morning Creator; thank you for being. Thank you
listening. Thank you for hearing me. A
million, million times thank you. Your
being allows my being and I am grateful.
I say good morning Mother Earth; thank you for being. Thank
You for listening. Thank you for hearing
me. A million, million times thank you.
Your being allows my being and I am grateful.
I say good morning to the East; thank you for being. Thank
You for listening. Thank you for hearing
me. A million, million times thank you.
Your being allows my being and I am grateful
I say good morning to the South; thank you for being. Thank
You for listening. Thank you for hearing
me. A million, million times thank you.
Your being allows my being and I am grateful.
I say good morning to the West; thank you for being. Thank
You for listening. Thank you for hearing
me. A million, million times thank you.
Your being allows my being and I am grateful.
I say good morning to the North; thank you for being. Thank
You for listening. Thank you for hearing
me. A million, million times thank you.
Your being allows my being and I am grateful.
I say good morning to all my relations, (the standing
people, the two legged and four legged relatives, the winged and finned ones,
the creeping crawling creatures, the rock and mineral people and all the
elementals, and the celestial beings) thank you for being. Thank You for
listening. Thank you for hearing me. A
million, million times thank you. Your
being allows my being and I am grateful.
I say good morning to my own being; thank you for being.
Thank You for listening. Thank you for
hearing me. A million, million times thank you.
Your being allows my being and I am grateful.**
**A colleague of mine uses this prayer and adding gratitude to the ancestors for hearing and listening as well. Thank You, Vicki for sharing your wisdom.
Self Reflection: Praying the Morning Gratitude Prayer
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