Sunday, May 28, 2017

Speaking Truth Ultimately Unites Us

“When the Storyteller tells the truth, she reminds us
that human beings are more alike than unalike....A
story is what it’s like to be a human being—to be
knocked down and to miraculously arise. Each one of
us has arisen, awakened.
We do rise.”
--Maya Angelou (1928-2014)

Our willingness to share, to speak out loud, about who we are as best as we currently understand ourselves is a gift.  It is a gift to ourselves as this is how we come to more truly who we are.  It is a gift to others in showing the way for other to be brave and share their story as well.
Maya Angelou's quote hints at the nature of our human stories: we are..."knocked down and we miraculously arise." In telling our stories, we re-member ourselves.  And in re-membering we become both healed and whole.  Every human being shares this theme.

We are able to know and share in our common path only in the telling of the Truth.  Truth-telling, although it may feel risky or dangerous is what unites us and supports unity.  To speak what is not truthful is divisive and destructive. In the waxing phase of the moon, we will listen to ourselves tell our stories to our Self and we and listen for where we are in truth and where we are lying to ourselves. When we have cleared our stories of falsehood and embellishment, we are sharing a story of common experience.

Self Reflection: There is no need to deny or falsify my story, it is perfect as it is. My story has the power to unfold my life and build my community; if what I share is Truth.

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