Thursday, April 6, 2017

If you would have wisdom, you must first give up judgment

The transition from Wisdom Keeper to Looks Far Woman has me thinking about the relatinship between wisdom and vision.  I never understood before this cycle why the sequence is what it is.  This year, I have been shown that vision without wisdom, for me at least, mainly a source of obsession and worry.

I am copying below a portion of a post from my blog from my first time through the cycle.  I entered the circle at Looks Far Woman.  Here's what she had to say to me:

If you would have wisdom, you must first give up judgment
In my morning meditation/visualization I started beneath a tree, covered in tiny new spring-green leaves and began a slow walk down a path of 13 large flagstone steps. At each stone, a ghost-whisper of one of the 13 Clan Mothers joined me. At the fourth step, Looks Far Woman came and took my hand, walking with me the rest of the way. The steps led through lush grass, sloping gently down to water’s edge and curving to end at a hidden cut in the bank. There, in a horseshoe shaped alcove, lined above by rocks, sat a well-worn stone bench. There I sat with Looks Far Woman.
I asked her to be my guide this month; to call me back when I lost my sight or to hold my hand and keep me on the path of my desire to stay connected with the All and to let go of critical thoughts and judgments.

“It is not for me to call you back or to hold you, but I will be here when you remember where you need to be”

I asked for help in seeing my connection to all things and in feeling that connection, especially in times of stress. I had a vision of a vast web, stretching across the horizon of earth and into space. My perspective was from edge of the web, but I knew that I was also part of its center.

“You cannot yet see your connectedness unless you are still. As you learn to be and feel your own center, your awareness of your place in the web will travel with you. But for now, be still”

I asked for particular help with my tendency to be critical and to blame others when things were not perfect, or when I am feeling less than perfect myself. I asked for wisdom to see that all things have their place and things are as they should be.

“If you would have wisdom, you must first give up judgment”

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this update on your journey. I too see how I change and grow (sometimes it feels like a backslide) with each going around int he circle. How many times I have jumped into what looked like a great vision only to find out it was a bad mirage!
