Friday, April 21, 2017

Surrendering Seen and Unseen

Fears lurk in the shadows of those parts of our self we are afraid to see and to have seen.
We enlighten our shadow, by slowly bringing our light toward it.
In doing so, our fears will naturally fade away.
We surrender our shadows to the light.
Surrender: to give over; to let go of; to turn in; to stop fighting.
Surrender in our case, about our life, means first learning to
Hand over our struggles,
Then our egos,
Then our successes,
Then our visions and dreams,
Then maybe--everything,
Even our souls.
We surrender everything to Creator.
It all comes from Creator, anyway.
We are just returning the whole of our being,
Most likely by bits and pieces.
We humans do like to hang on as long as we can.
Eventually we give it all over, the good and the bad, by bits and pieces.
Back to where it came from.
Back to Source.

Self -Reflection: Make a list of all you could turn over to Creator.

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