Sunday, July 2, 2017

Messages Received: We are Never alone; Our Tears are Waters of Transformation

Carolyn Shares: In my morning contemplation these words came through my heart, leaving a sense of peace and well-being I have not felt for a long time: "You never walk alone. I AM always with you. Bring your heart into everything you do and all will be foundationally well, allowing you to see, hear, know, feel, touch, sense, taste, receive, learn and accept the Truth of All That Is."

The feeling of peace continued and I was able to let myself sink into deeper knowing about the gift of these words: "...this experience of foundational well-being can always happen, even in the midst of trauma, disaster, or violence. It occurs also in the midst of tremendous joy and beauty or when in the middle of overwhelm. With this practice of bringing your heart into everything LOVE, which is Truth, will wash over all. Your tears, all tears, are the waters bringing transformation."

Self Reflection:  Can I bring my heart into EVERYTHING I do?

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