Monday, September 4, 2017

Seeking Our Own Morning Star

Carolyn writes: The evening star is called Wata-jis in Jamie Sams’ story of Setting Sun Woman in her book 13 Original Clan Mothers.  This same star is present in the morning sky for six months of the year, and is brightly visible to us in these predawn hours of autumn. If my memory from previous years serves me correctly, those of us in on this continent should be able to see her at least through the end of the October moon cycle.  If you recall from the story of Setting Sun Woman, the evening star became present to Setting Sun Woman as an infant in a cradle-board, also with the fur of the white bear as her robe.  Setting Sun woman put this child on her back.

Metaphorically, the child is symbolic of our purpose and calling in this life.  This little one is also the connection we have to this purpose; a way to express Creator’s design/template for our unique  being.  Setting Sun Woman puts the child in the cradle board on her back, another metaphor for us: our willingness to carry and align the expression and development of our purpose and calling with Divine Will. We are willing to carry our calling and to pay attention to it, and let it direct the way we express it in our life.  In the story, Setting Sun Woman sends the child back to the stars.  As I think about this in terms of my own growing Spirit within, I think of metaphorically offering my life and my spirit back to Creator at the close of my day.

Self Reflection: Am I willing to cradle my life purpose and carry it always with me; nourishing her and seeking to know her better?

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