Friday, September 22, 2017

Visions and Dreams; How to Avoid a Nightmare

There is a ancient Japanese Proverb:
Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare.

Sara's words for the waxing phase of the October moon create a pattern for working and walking Truth in our life.

There is a sense and order to how those four words words are laid out on the pages.
Our dreams and our desires enrich one another.
Our desires and our visions inform one another.
Our visions and our goals instruct one another.
Our goal and our dreams energize one another.

The places they intersect reveal and are the template for our calling, for our becoming.
When we honor the interplay of our dreams, desires, visions and goals, we can be sure we will walk and work in Truth.

Self Reflection: If I am willing to take time to come to know my dreams, desires, visions and goals, they will support me in who I am called to BE in my life.  Will I embrace my dreams, my desires, my visions. my goals?

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