Thursday, June 1, 2017

It Takes Courage to Speak Truth

It Takes Courage to Speak Truth
Speaking Truth requires courage, sometimes immense courage.
In our daily life, this courage for speaking truth comes in the form of commitment to not consciously* lie. We pay attention to our feeling states and check our motives behind our words. In our commitment to speak truth we do this practice before we say something, or push the send button on a text or email. In this, we practice a continual self review of our intentions and motives. We stay in awareness that there is often a deeper meaning to our feelings than what we may be aware of. This is a Spiritual Practice.  It is a moment to moment continuation of a contemplation practice.  It takes courage to live in this way. 

consciously* Note from Carolyn: In my own life I have become aware of how I use 'consciousness' in my vocabulary. It is easy to say 'I wasn't conscious...'.  What I recognize is that I sometime choose not to let my conscience into my consciousness. Once I committed to a daily spiritual practice, more material that had previously resided in the realm of my subconscious and unconscious began to move into my consciousness. Sometimes I find myself not wanting to be conscious of what I know is a more complete 'truth' about my thoughts, feelings, actions.  But, my inner knowing no longer lets me live in this state of denial without great cost to myself. In my life I know this has happened when I feel resentful or am ruminating over something. This is always a clue I have drank from the river of denial. 

Self Reflection:  Just for this day, I will be conscious of what I know as a more complete 'truth' about my thoughts, feelings and actions. 


  1. I can resonate with taking great gulps from that river, Carolyn. I also wish to look at how long I sit and stew about a difficult exchange, that I feel impotent, and do nothing about it--but stew, or put it off, distract myself, put on a happy face, pretend it didn't happen or it wasn't so bad, explain it away as unchangeable.

  2. THanks Karen for your share. Lisa inspired, you resonate, we continue to travel on our individual journeys-and I feel connected and not ever alone with the women who surround me, journeying too. We are all blessed!
