Sunday, June 11, 2017

What Part of Me is Speaking and is it Really Truth

What is it we want others to hear when we speak?
How do we know that what we are saying is what we really want others to hear?
What part of our personality/our person is doing the speaking?

For example: We need to have a conversation with our partner about being short of the money needed to meet all our financial obligations this month.  That in itself can be challenging!  Even more a challenge is which part of ‘me’ is going to be the speaker for our conversation?  The 6 year old who was told asking for a bicycle was being selfish because the family needed the money for more important things?  The 12 year old who continually heard her parents arguing about finances? The hopeful young bride who thought her new husband a knight in shining armor?  The exhausted, overworked, self-reliant 33 year old who would just like to be taken care of for a change? Or the woman who acknowledges she has played a part in the debacle and is willing to play her part in correcting the problem?  Each one of these parts of ‘me’ have their story that has ‘truth’. Yet, each voice is different from the voice of my other parts.  Each voice, whether conscious or not, will express a different need in the conversation about money.

We all have different parts of ourselves.  We are complex beings. If we listen to these parts speak, we will see that each has a different quality, tone and pitch. (e.g. whiny, demanding, scared, confident…) Once we come to recognize our different voices, to have some awareness of their history, we will have a more conscious choice about who speaks.  With that consciousness we can be more secure in knowing we are speaking the truth needed for our conversation with another (or with ourselves).

Self Reflection: Today I choose to speak with the voice that would choose Truth over ease. 

1 comment:

  1. This is such sound advise as I embark soon on a trip to my childhood home where I could be tripped up by old triggers. I am devoted to listening to the voice of Truth.
