Monday, June 12, 2017

What Part of Me is Speaking and is it Really Truth, Part 2

What is it we want others to hear when we speak?
How do we know that what we are saying is what we really want others to hear?
What part of our personality/our person is doing the speaking?
Once we come to recognize our different voices of our personality, or to have some awareness of their history, we will have a more conscious choice about which voice speaks.

What speaking truth means in each of our lives will be different from person to person for we all have our own life experiences which determine our perceptions and beliefs.  In difficult conversations, such as the example shared in yesterday's post having awareness of our own personal histories and biases is a giant step toward speaking a truth that causes no harm and honors the other's truth, even when that truth is at odds with ours.

How do we do this?
First,  connect with the way in which we respect and have gratitude for the person with whom we are speaking, or may have conflict. Gratitude or respect supports our speaking in a less defended way.
Second, offer a prayer and set an intention for the conversation.
Third, review your motives. Take time to release pent-up anxiety, fears, demands through talking with an unbiased friend.
Next, acknowledge  your triggers and biases; align with intention for an outcome with the highest good for all-yourself included.
Finally, look for the lesson this opportunity offers for you too become a being whose life is in Truth.

Self Reflection: It is my choice to reflect upon, ignore or twist life's lessons.

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