Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Carolyn's Vision and Intention for March--weighing the truth of from where I have come and where I may go (grow)!

This month I want to look at the truths underneath my reaction patterns and my response to my experiences.  
I commit to exploring how the beliefs I carry are not really truth, but are based on fears and staying small.  I want to see if this is really true—or if this is just another area where I am not being truthful with myself and others.  
My intention as I move from the new moon through the full moon is to seek clarity around settling in and creating a secure home for myself.  
I ask for wisdom and discernment about how to best steward my home and for good and wise decisions.  
I seek that my decisions are based on truths and not on my fears.  
My second intention for this month is in the Element of finances in the Creative Aspect.  
I commit to seeing the truth underlying my reactions, behaviors and spiritual connection around money issues.  
Prayer contemplation and seeking support from others and from Source is what I commit to –releasing what is not true and being willing to see more clearly the vision for what IS possible in my vision for my future.  
I realize I have only allowed myself glimpses of what might be possible for me (and my life). I commit to building a clear and abundant vision as I also commit to seeing and forgiving the origin(s) of my fears.

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