Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Honoring Truth in Our Own Being

The energy of this moon cycle invites us to learn the art of remembering--where we come from, how we are connected, our dreams, our hopes, what we have learned--sounds like a life review. It is. In The 13 Original Clan Mothers Jamie Sams shares how the grandmother for this moon cycle offers an opportunity to work with the arts of remembering and self-development and visioning; honoring both the collective ancient wisdom and our own memories, experiences and beliefs, dreams.  When we sit in an intention of 'honoring' what is we learn a safe and healthy way to 'remember'. And, yes, self development is an art. It develops as we work with it, use it, play with it, allow it.

Self Reflection:  Do I see my self-development as an art? If 'yes' how can I grow in this art? If 'no', what would change in my life if I shifted my perception?  For now, in this waxing phase of the cycle, just take time in awareness of how you are with caring for yourself, being with yourself. (this is part of 'remembering') Ask for awareness and willingness to see 'what is'.  This allows for needed creative change to come in; in good time.

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