Monday, February 20, 2017

Honoring Truth Through Embodying our Incarnation

Sara shares: Often when I write, I try to do so as a channel for wisdom that comes from beyond me.  I feel like the best thing I can do is "get out of the way" and let the words come.  For the last several years, I have been trying to live this way, as much as possible; almost as if my highest purpose is to not interfere with that which is larger than myself.

But what if that perspective is not exactly accurate?  What if our "highest and best use", the reason we were created in the first place, was to fully be our own unique embodiment of Creator's spark? When I am in that place of connected embodiment, embracing my whole self, I feel the delight of the Source in my incarnation.  I am uniquely me, yet totally connected.  

I believe I needed to go through the period of "getting out of the way" in order to learn to set aside my egoic small self.  Having done so, I can embody my larger self with appropriate humility and without losing connection to its source.

As this moon wanes, and I ponder what "Honor Truth" means in my life, I am coming to fuller understanding that I must honor the truth of my own incarnation.  I must embrace my gifts and talents and all the experiences of my past that have shaped me.  When I do this in awareness and in connection, I am a living, unique, expression of Creator's Love.  I am the purpose of creation.

Self Reflection:  Am I able to feel the delight of Creative Source in my incarnation? If not, I start by embracing my gifts and my talents.


  1. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and experience Sara. I appreciate the reminder 'to get out of the way' and allow our true purpose to emerge. Why is this so hard to do?

  2. Why IS IT so hard to get out of the way? I am going to sit with your mandala for March as an inspiration for an answer to that question!
