Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Serving the Truth of Self is a Path for Self Renewal

To serve the Truth, I begin with serving self, which is NOT a form of self enslavement.
In being a servant to my own truth, I renew my being, becoming ever more of my true self, the human I came to Earth to 'be'.  The waxing moon for Serve Truth is about RENEWAL--birthing, re-birthing, healing, becoming new again.  

In this practice of  'renewal', I am reflecting, releasing, realigning, reconnecting. 
I reflect--My willingness to reflect on my life brings my to seeing in a more expanded and visionary way.
release-- As I establish a practice of reflection, I notice my preconceived notions, beliefs and ideas about who I am and even what I do, can do, can't do. It is then possible to seek support to 'let go', to release, what is not healing or supportive for my life. 
I realign-- As I let go and release those parts that are 'not truth for me' (this is not the same thing as bad or wrong, just not who you are), I must consciously recenter in my own being. I am realigning my new awareness with the being experience myself to be. Another word for this is to ground oneself or to be centered in oneself.
I reconnect--As I realign with my self, I am connected with more of the Truth of who I am.  I am more whole. From this ongoing practice of reflecting, releasing, realigning, reconnecting. I am then able to connect and reconnect with others and in this way to Serve Truth.

Self Reflection: In this time of  'renewal', I practice reflecting, releasing, realigning, reconnecting. 

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