Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Carolyn's Vision and Intention for March--weighing the truth of from where I have come and where I may go (grow)!

This month I want to look at the truths underneath my reaction patterns and my response to my experiences.  
I commit to exploring how the beliefs I carry are not really truth, but are based on fears and staying small.  I want to see if this is really true—or if this is just another area where I am not being truthful with myself and others.  
My intention as I move from the new moon through the full moon is to seek clarity around settling in and creating a secure home for myself.  
I ask for wisdom and discernment about how to best steward my home and for good and wise decisions.  
I seek that my decisions are based on truths and not on my fears.  
My second intention for this month is in the Element of finances in the Creative Aspect.  
I commit to seeing the truth underlying my reactions, behaviors and spiritual connection around money issues.  
Prayer contemplation and seeking support from others and from Source is what I commit to –releasing what is not true and being willing to see more clearly the vision for what IS possible in my vision for my future.  
I realize I have only allowed myself glimpses of what might be possible for me (and my life). I commit to building a clear and abundant vision as I also commit to seeing and forgiving the origin(s) of my fears.

Monday, February 27, 2017

March New Moon Mandala: Moving toward the Light

March New Moon

 Moving toward the Light

copyright 2016 Lisa Kay(4" x 8" Mono-print on matt board with pastels)

Carolyn Shares: As I spent time with Lisa's March New Moon Mandala 'Moving toward the Light', I picked up my journal and read a quote from a few months back about being called by Source into deeper intimacy:
"You are being called into deeper and closer intimacy, beyond anything you could achieve with your most sincere attempts, closer than you could even dream.  But, you must learn to proceed without any guarantees from your feelings or your intellect. That is the only way to grow in faith and Divine Love."  Richard Rohr 10/20/2014

Lisa's mandala and this quote, move through me touching a part of me still shrouded in shadow. I sense I am the darker circle of her image. Already I am interspersed with this Light that I am moving toward.  I feel myself being 're-patterned and reformed' as I am being drawn to this Light, this sense of Divine.  This is a journey of be-coming. Every Cycle of Moon and Truth is movement toward this becoming.  It is a long journey, ultimately the transformation of a whole life!  In the context of the poem and the mandala, I feel my willingness to let the journey draw me forth.  Reflecting on the story of Blue Goose and Running Water, I remember the journey happens in relationship and in community.  I am not alone, I can trust the journey.

Self Reflection:  What does Lisa's New Moon Mandala speak to me? about me? for Me? 

Sunday, February 26, 2017

March New Moon: The Cycle of Know/Accept Truth (Discernment)

It is the New Moon for March and the Truth Cycle of Know/Accept Truth
This cycle to know/accept Truth teaches us the elements of discernment, a skill and tool necessary for becoming and living as a wise and just person.

New moons invite the resetting or refinement of our vision.  An ability to know and to accept (elements necessary for discernment) help us to know a bigger vision, We are no different than the tiny mustard seed or the little acorn.  Our potential to become something magnificent is held within each of us.  It is our task to open to the vision of what is within, and yes, this does require a great deal of discernment--but there is a whole month for that!

For now, Take time during the hours of the  new moon  to invite your inner vision for your life to make it self known to you.. Envision your life at it's fullest. Envision all the support--both from the inside, from Creator/God/Great Mystery, from the world around you.  What does this support look like?  Don't worry about from where it comes, just that all the support you might possibly need shows up for you. Write it all down. Write a job description for 'God'--what you would want 'God' to do in terms of supporting your commitment to living fully.

This can and should be a fun exercise, don't hold back.  It may not be an easy exercise, many of us have difficulty allowing ourselves to know our vision and to accept it.  We have a whole month to explore what is Truth for this vision for our selves, and to accept what we come to know.

Self Reflection: Do you see one tiny intention from what comes forward for this month that is calling for your attention?  What support would be needed to commit to this intention?

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Honor Truth's Closing Moon GIfts

We are in the closing of the February Moon and the Cycle for Honor Truth.  The moon has flowed and ebbed, like the tides over which she rules.  Ebbing now toward the next cycle she leaves behind in the sand of each of our lives precious pieces of who we are today, fragments of where we have come from, and little shells, which if we hold up to our ears and listen, offering hints of where our life journey can take us in our future.  

What does the final ebbing of the closing moon reveal to you?  Take time to sit with these jewels left behind.  The sand is the journal pages upon which you write.  The jewels are the words on the page.  Honor Truth writes through us onto these pages.  Take time be with the wisdom you have, hold, are becoming.  Sit in contemplation of what has been given and received during this cycle, preparing you for the gift of Know and Accept Truth and March’s first Moon of spring and new life.

Self Reflection:  I read the wisdom written through my own hands; receive it without judgment. I honor my truth. This is how I Honor Truth.

Friday, February 24, 2017

February's Waning Moon Gifts to the Closing Moon.

Carolyn shares: She seems so far away tonight.  Smaller even then most crescent moons, yet intensely bright.  Minute rays radiate brilliance.  I just stood and looked at her in this very silent Winters night, until my feet got cold, and I felt a cold-toes nudge to go inside. Such peace I felt.  Such hope.  And even better:  a surge of excitement to keep going on my path. My Path. 
My Path…the work I do on myself, with myself, for my own growth, healing, happiness, and sense of being...If I do this for myself, honoring my process of growing, I am also doing it for all creatures--and them for me. For we are all connected--because we are all unique.  If we weren't unique, we could not be connected, we would all just be the same. No differentiation.  No boundaries. No unique and personal growth.
These words are my waning moon gift from Wisdom Keeper, looking down from her archetypal home.  I feel blessed for my life, and for the women here in this small and powerful circle, who just by our presence, encourage each other to keep going--for all of us.  

Self Reflection: I will keep going, for myself, for all my relations. I will also receive in reciprocation. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Nearing the End of February's Waning Moon

The February Moon Review for the Full Moon turned out to be exactly what my waning moon experience has been for this month! My suggestion was to RE-member (put together again)and to use ‘re-member-ing’ to piece together parts of our life, examining our attempts to preserve our version of our history. These past two weeks have literally offered me an experience of seeing a broader and deeper truth surrounding my childhood memories and perceptions. I am seeing and feeling myself in ways that I had blinded myself to.

Brief summary of what's going on: At the beginning of this moon cycle I began working with a Jungian Analyst Diplomat, exploring my personal history via my dreams and the memories which rise-up from the exploration of these dreams. The result has been a somewhat alarming awareness of how distorted and protective my perceptions of my childhood have been.  This experience reminds me that it IS REALLY important to have a supportive witness as we endeavor to see our lives more truthfully and with wisdom.  We must be gentle and non-blaming with ourselves as we come to know the fullness of our personal truths- necessary if we are to become our wisest selves. 

When the thoughts for the full moon and closing moon inspiration came to me while writing the MoonCircleJournal prompts for February', I had no idea the writing would, several years later, as I write in the published journal, quite literally be speaking to me!  My two weeks have been quite full, as well unsettling--yet, all is fundamentally good. I am also blessed to have a good support system. I am held in a beloved sisterhood, broad, wide, deep. And so are you, dear reader, if you choose to Honor your Truth and receive the wisdom kept here for you.

Self Reflection: I do not hesitate to reach out for support, for what I need, for what I want to share, and to receive and share a bit of sisterhood support.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Honoring the Truth in Both Emptiness and Fullness of The Void

I feel I have been listening in the wilderness of my Soul these last two cycles.  These quotes came through a daily affirmation service I receive and reinforced my centering and sinking into the Silence:

There is emptiness as well as fullness to life. Today I will embrace them both. I will see the emptiness as a spiritual void that is actually full in a completely different sort of way: A God-shaped hole. When I allow myself to embrace my own inner emptiness rather than run from it, a paradox happens. What was unknown becomes known, what was frightening becomes tolerable and what was empty becomes full. The void I feel inside of me is really a spiritual wilderness. When I enter it barren trees flower and bear fruit. It is alive and vibrating. It soothes and sustains me and I feel tingly inside. (Tian Dayton)

The void is that which stands right in the middle of 'this' and 'that'. The void is all-inclusive, having no opposite - there is nothing which it excludes or opposes. It is living void, because all forms come out of it and whosoever realizes the void is filled with life and power and the love of all things. (Bruce Lee)

Self Reflection: I embrace my own inner emptiness; here I can know what is unknown and tolerate what once was frightening; empty become full. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Hard Action of Honoring Truth

Carolyn shares: I am not good at being sick. I seem to be sick at the most inopportune times.  I have been sick for five days.  My usual first thought is that I am sabotaging myself.  Five days is a good long time to sit with this a belief that I would rather be sick than continue with my actions toward living as my real and full self.  Sara's daily inspiration share of yesterday touched a tender place.  Can I just receive the truth of what is: my body is suffering? What if I could just honor that? No interpretation, just honor what is. I have watched myself fight staying in this awareness.  I prefer my own judgments. Yet the gift of this moon cycle-honor the truth of what is, as Sara wrote,  brings the gift of shifting perceptions.  I am asking Creator for clarity, what is being asked of me during this bout of illness?  I hear, "rest, sleep, trust".

Self Reflection:  What perceptions am I asked to shift that I may Truly honor my life, my relationships, my work, My world?

Monday, February 20, 2017

Honoring Truth Through Embodying our Incarnation

Sara shares: Often when I write, I try to do so as a channel for wisdom that comes from beyond me.  I feel like the best thing I can do is "get out of the way" and let the words come.  For the last several years, I have been trying to live this way, as much as possible; almost as if my highest purpose is to not interfere with that which is larger than myself.

But what if that perspective is not exactly accurate?  What if our "highest and best use", the reason we were created in the first place, was to fully be our own unique embodiment of Creator's spark? When I am in that place of connected embodiment, embracing my whole self, I feel the delight of the Source in my incarnation.  I am uniquely me, yet totally connected.  

I believe I needed to go through the period of "getting out of the way" in order to learn to set aside my egoic small self.  Having done so, I can embody my larger self with appropriate humility and without losing connection to its source.

As this moon wanes, and I ponder what "Honor Truth" means in my life, I am coming to fuller understanding that I must honor the truth of my own incarnation.  I must embrace my gifts and talents and all the experiences of my past that have shaped me.  When I do this in awareness and in connection, I am a living, unique, expression of Creator's Love.  I am the purpose of creation.

Self Reflection:  Am I able to feel the delight of Creative Source in my incarnation? If not, I start by embracing my gifts and my talents.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Honor the 'Good' of our Truth

I have been thinking of Karen's lovely poem. Her invitation and experience of taking in small morsels, fearful of the new, and then with encouragement and courage, fuller bites of what is good and wondrous reminded me of Marian Williamson's quote about our greatesty fears.
I believe it is true and that in our striving to honor Truth we more often dishonor what is great with in us and elevate false personality defects as what is true for us.  Marianne gives us a gentle, yet stern reminder:

Marianne Williamson

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

― Marianne WilliamsonA Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

Self Reflection: Do I deny or acknowledge the greatness of the woman Creator would have me be?

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Honor Truth Reminds us 'All Is Fundamentaly Well'

We have been sitting with Truth this month, receiving her wisdom as her Truth is revealed to us-- in our past, our present moment, and a vision of our future.  However distorted, foggy, clear or poignant this Truth might be, we are committed to receive our current perception of Truth. 

We do so with humility,  And with humility we allow what we receive to be transformed. We learn from what we perceive. We walk in the shoes or scan of the 'other', whether that other is a person, an animal, our environment. Moving through life with this kind of receiving is a very active process. We are called to practice, moment to moment, awareness-actively; consciously receiving and honoring what comes our way. 

Remember this kind of active receiving doesn't mean we like what is revealed, doesn't mean we want it, doesn't mean we believe it. It allows us to have ever greater awareness of what it is being revealed. in this moment, in this week, in the whole of our life. 

This active awareness can sometimes be overwhelming, When this overwhelm occurs, these words bring comfort and Truth: "I am not the One in charge.  At this moment, I am not asked to do anything. In the moments I am totally safe, all is as it needs to be, just for this moment." Sometimes the only truth we can honor is that in the moment we are reading this, all is fundamentally well.

Self Reflection: I am not the One in charge.  At this moment, I am not asked to do anything. In the moments I am totally safe, all is as it needs to be, just for this moment. All is fundamentally well.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Taste and Know

A Sharing from Karin:
Taste and Know

You feed me a piece of Truth, but I can't stomach it. 
As a single bite, I don’t get it!
Embittered, I avoid You
Whilst searching my heart and history.
Moon waxing, relationship strained, I relent:
“A whole portion, please.”
And this time I Listen,
Chew on it, let it digest.

She comes into her Fullness, brilliant in the Heavens!
And suddenly, I see mySelf reflected in your words.
Schemata rearranged, outdated ideas updated,
A new slice of Truth illuminated.

How do I come to Know mySelf?
It is through relationship--
To You, Her, Him,
To All in Heaven and Earth.

When I Inquire and Listen,
Taste and Swallow,
Body and Soul metabolize together,
ONE history recognizes ALL histories.

Under her diminishing light, I sit in grateful wonder.
You offer another morsel.

Self Reflection:  Am I willing to taste...and know?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Prayer for Release

Creator, please remove and release me from my old ways of taking life in:
My clinging to the echos of my past,
My knee-jerk reactions,
My preconceived ideas, thoughts and prejudices
About EVERYTHING. (this includes: ideas, people, places, things, myself, and You).
Thank You for listening. Thank You for hearing me.
A million, million times, Thank You.
I am grateful.

Self Reflection:  Am I willing to have what no longer serves my life removed?

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Echos of Our Past Are left in the Footprints of Each New Step

On the pages of February's Waning Moon, we are reminded, "In each new step, are the echos of all that has come before."  We may be inclined to think of these echos in terms of the life we were born into: our inherited wealth or poverty, the color of our skin, our religious foundation, our culture, and of course, the wounds and  entitlements that come with each of these. But there is so much more. The incredible and immense wisdom which has flowed through each generation before us is also a part of this echo. Wisdom, sometimes received as grace, sometimes hard-earned, is the gift, task, offering we receive as our birthright. We are asked to bring this Wisdom forward through the way we live our lives. We must learn to trust Truth can, and does, flow through us if we are open and willing.  We begin to live through faith in this wisdom, rather than the fears of our perceptions.

Self Reflection: How do the echos of my past inform my steps?

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Conscious of It or Not, We Live With Our Past

Our past lives with us.  Long before 'us', our stories began. The wounding of an ancestor last generation, 7 generations ago, 70 generations ago, sets the stage for beliefs, actions, prejudices and roadblocks in our own life.  A 'happenstance' encounter with nature influences our DNA and we and our offspring for future generations is forever altered.
When we become aware of a something in our life where we feel wounded, impaired or troubled, and are not able to come to peace or resolution with it, despite our best efforts, a "healing with the ancestors" may offer what is needed-healing the past, bringing hope and wisdom to our present and the future.*

* Carolyn's comment: "Healing With the Ancestors"  is a guided imagery process which alters both conscious and unconscious patterns of energy and beliefs for the person requesting support. Those who have engaged in this healing ceremony have, afterward, seen healing changes in the lives of other family members as well.  If you would like more information on this process, just email me: carolyn@drfaivre.com and I'll be happy to share more information.

Self Reflection:  Am I aware of the lineage of my story?

Monday, February 13, 2017

Choosing to Thrive

Sara shares: "You cannot push the dark away, you can only transform it with light".  These are the words that came as my message in my morning contemplation of the meditation Reflecting on the Waxing Phase of February's Moon Cycle.  Then came these words "Manifesting Truth is not about correcting wrong behaviors".

As the full moon's light displaces the darkness of the first half of the cycle, I am reminded that I can make a choice in how I perceive my Now, my history and my future.  That choice makes the difference between thriving and surviving.

Neuroscience reveals that we make decisions primarily from one of two parts of the brain: The deep core of our brain is our "survival" mode. This part of the brain drives cravings and addictions, flight or fight mode and short-term pleasure seeking. In contrast, the prefrontal cortex is the part used when we consider long-range outcomes and the bigger picture. This is the part of the brain responsible for "thriving". Only one part of the brain operates at a time; we are either in "thrive" or "survive" mode.

We can fight the impulses of our "survival" mode, but we have a limited reserve to do so.  Significant and lasting change is much more likely when we switch to focusing on our values and the long term view, rather than 'correcting wrong behaviors'.  Welcoming the truth of our experience as a teacher on our long road is one way to do this.

For the waning portion of this cycle, as the dark slowly approaches, I am honoring the truth of what is (and was and will be) by choosing a perspective of the longer journey.  In this light, even the inevitable 'wrong behaviors' become my teachers, and no matter how long the night, I can see the dawn.

Self Reflection: I honor without defense. I welcome all teachers. I won't defend against Truth; I will take it as it is, without an effort to change it.
I won't rush to embrace what 'may be' Truth. I will embrace a practice of aware restraint.
I will take time to be with what Truth reveals itself.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

How Fear Inhibits and Invites Truth

Carolyn Shares:  Lisa's mandala and her reflective share speak deeply to me about the courage and steadfastness required to Honor what is True.  I have come to recognize my tendency to retreat into vagueness when I don't want to recognize a 'truth'.  At times, my fear around taking in what is the truth is so strong my being resorts to becoming physically, emotionally or spiritually 'ill'.  Fear of Truth also has resulted in my numbing out through over indulgence-in substances such as food and drink, emotional binges, lethargy... Fear of Truth--fear of what might be true.  I recognize so many times where my behavior and attitudes have been geared toward keeping Truth at bay.
I am grateful for the Truth Cycles, gently inviting relationship between me and Truth.  Each month with the ebb and flow of the moon cycle, supported by the unique energy of the new, waxing and waning days of each cycle, I have a chance to gently invite myself to ever deeper relationship with Truth.  In doing so, I find I am developing a deeper relationship with my self as well.  I have more awareness of and about myself. I make choices about my behavior that I think I would not have had the awareness to make, even six months ago.  The gentle, ongoing encouragement toward Truth has become a resting place for me.  I am grateful.  I will keep receiving and honoring Truth the best I am currently able. Despite my fears, maybe even because of my fears, I will stay on this path.
Tonight, I sleep well under the care of the waning February moon.

Self Reflection: In these days of chaos and turmoil, where do I find my courage and steadfastness to Honor what is Truth?  Sitting in community I will find kindred support.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Lisa Shares Her Full Moon Mandala (and wisdom)

February Full Moon Mandala

                                               copyright Lisa Kay 2016
(8.5" x 8.5", pastels on recycled cardboard with mixed collage media - 
shells, abalone beads, straw, snow flake crystals, magazine image, tissue paper)

She is/I am
gathering, nesting, holding, hording?

She is/I am 
off center, circling, spiraling ~ in and out.

She is/I am
sparkling, sticking, stacking, weaving~ over and under.

She is/I am Dragonfly,
shifting, breaking illusions, bringing  winds of change.

She is/I am honoring, trusting.

She is/I am resolute.

Self Reflection: What is it I honor in myself as I sit in resonance with Lisa's mandala for the Full Moon?